
  • Place
  • Aiud - Kirchenburg Großenyed KirchenburgOpen to the public Alba Iulia - Cetatea Alba Carolina CitadelOpen to the public Alba Iulia - Palatul Principilor Ardealului PalaceNo photoalbum Bălcaciu - Kirchenburg Bulkesch KirchenburgOpen to the publicRestanten Bărăbanţ - Wehrkirche Borbant Wehrkirche Benic - Kirchenburg Bendesdorf KirchenburgRestanten Blandiana - Cetatea Teligrad WallburgNo photoalbum Boz - Kirchenburg Bußd KirchenburgOpen to the public Câlnic - Cetatea Câlnic CastleOpen to the public Cenade - Kirchenburg Scholten KirchenburgOpen to the publicRestanten Cetatea de Baltă - Castelul Bethlen-Haller CastlePrivate Coltesti - Cetatea Trascăului CastleCastle-ruinOpen to the public Cricău - Conacul San Benedictus GutshausPrivate Cricău - Kirchenburg Krakau KirchenburgRestanten Gârbova - Cetatea Greavilor CastleCastle-ruin Gârbova - Cetatea Uriesilor CastleCastle-ruinOpen to the public Gârbova - Wehrkirche Gârbova WehrkircheNo photoalbum Ighiu - Kirchenburg Krapundorf Castle-ruinKirchenburg Jidvei - Kirchenburg Seiden KirchenburgRestantenNo photoalbum Mănărade - Kirchenburg Donnersmarkt Kirchenburg Petreşti - Kirchenburg Petersdorf KirchenburgOpen to the publicRestanten Pianu de Jos - Kirchenburg Deutsch-Pien KirchenburgRestantenNo photoalbum Sânmiclăuș - Castelul Bethlen Castle-ruinGutshausNo photoalbum Sântimbru - Kirchenburg Emerichsdorf KirchenburgRestanten Șard - Kirchenburg Schard Castle-ruinKirchenburg Săsciori - Cetatea Săsciori CastleCastle-ruinOpen to the public Sebeș - Kirchenburg Sebeș Castle-ruinKirchenburg Șona - Kirchenburg Schonau KirchenburgRestanten Stremţ - Burg von Diód CastleCastle-ruinPrivate Tăuți - Cetatea Tăuțului CastleCastle-ruinOpen to the public Teiuș - Kirchenburg Dreikirchen KirchenburgRestanten Valea Lungă - Kirchenburg Langenthal Kirchenburg Valea Vințului - Cetatea Zebernicului CastleCastle-ruinOpen to the public Vințu de Jos - Castelul Martinuzzi Castle-ruinManor-houseOpen to the public Vurpăr (Alba) - Krchenburg Burgberg Castle-ruinKirchenburg


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    10e 11e 12e 13e 14e 15e 16e 17e 18e 19e 20e 20ste Accessible Adelshof Adelssitz Alcazaba Alcázar Ansitz Bischofsburg Borg Buitenplaats Burg Burghaus Burghügel Burgstall Casa fortificada Castillo Castle Castle-cave Castle-motte Castle-ruin Castle-terrain Castle-tower Castlehoeve Château Château fort Church Church-castle Citadel Citadelle Cloister Domburg Fort fortification Fortified city Fortress Ground Gutshaus Havezate Herenhuis Herrenhaus Herrensitz Hofgut House Huis Kapitelsburg Kirchenburg Landhuis Letzi Manor-house Masseria fortificata Motte Museum No-leftovers Open to the public open-to-the-public Ordensburg Overig Palace Palacio Private Remains Restanten Ruine Schans Schloss Stadsmuren Stadswallen Stadtpalast State Talsperre Terrain Torre Torre señorial Torre vigia Turmhügel Verdwenen Vestingstad Wachttoren Wallburg Wartturm Watchtower Wehrkirche Welstand Wohnturm Woontoren Zámek Zámok